Happy almost summer! (Unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, in which case happy almost winter.) I know, I can’t believe it either. Let’s get right to this month’s flash fiction draw, shall we?
(And as always, if you want to skip the preamble, you can click here and go right to the good stuff.)
Here’s where we stand so far—the grayed-out boxes are the prompt elements we’ve already used:
♣ | ♥ | ♦ | |
Card drawn | Genre | Setting | Object |
1 | Romance | Spaceship | Ray gun |
2 | Science Fiction | Restaurant kitchen | Key |
3 | Fairy Tale | Studio apartment in a big city | Hairbrush |
4 | Horror | Auditorium | Length of rope |
5 | Mystery | Sewer | Pendant and necklace |
6 | Thriller | Highway tollbooth | Potted plant |
7 | Comedy | Farm field | Tablet computer |
8 | Fantasy | Pawn shop | Fountain pen |
9 | Ghost Story | Marsh | Decorative pillow |
10 | Suspense | Tulip field | Vacuum cleaner |
J | Crime Caper | Trunk of a car | Bouquet of roses |
Q | Action/Adventure | Toolshed / Utility closet | A stray sock |
K | Historical Fiction | Shopping mall | Suitcase |
And here’s the video, should you be so inclined:
And here’s the prompt:
- Horror…
- in a pawn shop…
- with a length of rope.
While the deadline is technically Monday, June 11, there’s no pressure here. And prompts, like cake, are eternal. So there’s no expiration date on this, or any of the other prompts. They’re here for you whenever you feel like adding a dose of random to your writing routine, and you can try the same prompt again and again and see what different things you come up with. Whatever, whenever, I’ll be curious to hear what you’ve written.