True confession: I have a hard time with time. I lose track of it, can’t judge it, and fritter it away. So if you tell me that tomorrow’s the first Monday in November, I’ll believe you.
We’ll both be wrong, of course.
Long story short, this prompt should have been posted last week, but I got my dates mixed up. So, here we are, a little behind, with November’s flash fiction draw writing prompt. If you have no idea what the ham sandwich I’m talking about, the first Monday of every month I create a writing prompt by drawing three cards, each from a different suit, which give us our genre, setting, and a random object to include in the story. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to write a 1,000-word (max) story by next Monday, send me the link, and I’ll post a roundup of all the stories created using the prompt.
Here’s what we’ve used so far (grayed out ones have been used):
♣ | ♥ | ♦ | |
Card drawn | Genre | Setting | Object |
1 | Romance | Spaceship | Ray gun |
2 | Science Fiction | Restaurant kitchen | Key |
3 | Fairy Tale | Studio apartment in a big city | Hairbrush |
4 | Horror | Auditorium | Length of rope |
5 | Mystery | Sewer | Pendant and necklace |
6 | Thriller | Highway tollbooth | Potted plant |
7 | Comedy | Farm field | Tablet computer |
8 | Fantasy | Pawn shop | Fountain pen |
9 | Ghost Story | Marsh | Decorative pillow |
10 | Suspense | Tulip field | Vacuum cleaner |
J | Crime Caper | Trunk of a car | Bouquet of roses |
Q | Action/Adventure | Toolshed / Utility closet | A stray sock |
K | Historical Fiction | Shopping mall | Suitcase |
And here’s what I drew after shuffling these now very thin stacks of cards:
That means your mission by next Monday is to write:
- a fantasy,
- set on a spaceship,
- including a hairbrush.
Well, that’s random. But I’m sure you’re up to the task! So, write a 1,000-word story, post it somewhere online by next Monday, and send me the link to it, and I’ll post a roundup of all the stories on Nov. 15.
Which, to be clear, is the third Monday in November. See? I’m learning.