Flash Fiction Draw for August 2021

It’s the first Monday in August, and I’m feeling a little anxious.

To be fair, I feel anxious most Mondays. (And Tuesdays. And Wednesdays. And don’t even get me started on Thursdays.) Such is the joy of having a fucked up brain. But! That won’t stop me from presenting the next Flash Fiction Draw writing prompt.

(As always, you can click here to skip all this hullabaloo and go right to the good stuff.)

In case this is your first time at this rodeo, we build this writing prompt by drawing three cards, each from a different suit, which give us our genre, setting, and a random object to include in the story. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to write a 1,000-word (max) story by next Monday, send me the link, and I’ll post a roundup of all the stories created using the prompt.

Here’s a handy dandy chart showing which prompt elements have been used already:

Card drawnGenreSettingObject
1RomanceSpaceshipRay gun
2Science FictionRestaurant kitchenKey
3Fairy TaleStudio apartment in a big cityHairbrush
4HorrorAuditoriumLength of rope
5MysterySewerPendant and necklace
6ThrillerHighway tollboothPotted plant
7ComedyFarm fieldTablet computer
8FantasyPawn shopFountain pen
9Ghost StoryMarshDecorative pillow
10SuspenseTulip fieldVacuum cleaner
JCrime CaperTrunk of a carBouquet of roses
QAction/AdventureToolshed / Utility closetA stray sock
KHistorical FictionShopping mallSuitcase

And here’s what I drew this month:

So, that gives us:

  • historical fiction…
  • set in a marsh…
  • including a pendant and necklace.

You know, I was worried I was going to draw “shopping mall” for the setting there. I guess we dodged a bullet. And since this is historical fiction, maybe it’s a good time to dust off my characters Herbert and Miss Vida Greenleaf.

OK! Write a 1,000-word story (more or less) by next Monday, Aug. 9, and share a link to it in the comments below, or send an email, or tag me in a tweet. I hope you have fun with this!

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